Monday, August 13, 2012

Pics and a Mid-August Update

Pics are possible once again!  I wrote about it over here if you care to read about it.  Otherwise, let's get this garden blog back up to speed, especially after that two month drought that tried to cook everything and the much more seasonable weather and rainfall we've had lately.  Hell, a month ago we were ready to give up!

I guess we did give up on the strawberry bed.  It is fried.  There are a handfull of plants still struggling but most are dead.  I'm sure we'll develop a plan for that area next year by this Fall.  Kate is interested in berry bushes up top and maybe the surviving strawberry plants at the bottom, left in the pic.  For the rest of the year I may only post the view shown below.

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Everything left in the west garden survived thanks to almost daily watering for two months.  And the morning after my last post, on August 3, Kate even planted some more seeds!  There is a row of new pea plants coming up along the bottom of the trellis at the right, lettuce in the top left and another try at radishes in the middle left.  The tomatoes are no longer cooking on the vine and the peppers are no longer getting stolen by the local wildlife.  The squirrels must have been pretty desperate to steal the peppers!

Well, posting here should return to normal now.  This is just for us, anyway.  I get no visitors here and they are not necessary.  This site is for my wife and I to keep track of all things garden and to be able to refer back as needed.  If someone else reads this, then all the better.  Thanks for stopping by!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Pics Not Available

It is the beginning of August and an update is due, however I seem to have reached my limit for photos so I will have to remedy that this weekend.  I can say, at least, that we have been getting some rain now for the last two weeks or so.  Finally.  The lawn has mostly come back and the plants in the garden should be out of danger.  We are still expecting some hot temperatures, still two digits only and hopefully no more 100F degree days.
Not much else to say except I'll post pics as soon as I'm able.